Animation and Rigging Tools: FAQ, Known Issues and Feature Roadmap

Currently, there isn’t, but I’m working on this feature right now actually. The plan is to convert everything to be a module, so you can build all sorts of wacky stuff!

Much like the engine did, I’ll probably put together a Trello board that will show what features are planned and their current status. When I do, I’ll make sure to update the first post in this thread, and also get a blog post out to spread that info!
I can’t thank you guys enough for your patience. I know it can be annoying waiting for a reply, and sometimes we get so wrapped up in our tasks here, I forget to check my threads :frowning:

I created a rig with jiggle bone and placed it to character then i tryed to animate it but it doesnt jiggles.What can i do ?(i tryed with walking animation).


I noticed the ART tool always creates the root bone at the origin(0,0,0) I’m rigging in Modo and wonder if that is an absolutely requirement? Currently I have my root bone at crotch area.

Great tool, think you could make a stand alone version or one that is integrated inside Unreal Engine already so people have the freedom to use about any other program and work with it?

Even if it was dependent on their API for their specific application the fundamentals and application should be pretty standard, I’m sure a tool like this could be done normally with basic graphics programming techniques and some adjustable dummy content.

Have u checked to see if it’s on? I had the same issue with the chains. I’m assuming jiggle is the same. Check the third tab.

is that tab comes before publish or after publish ?

In a new scene, Add Character for Animation under Epic Games.
The Animation Interface that pops up will have three tabs.
Picker/List View/Rig Settings

On the Rig Settings tab you’ll find Custom Joint Chains. I don’t have any characters with jiggle at the moment so I’m only assuming you’ll find them here.

Hey guys, I’ve got an issue, I’m trying to export my character to unreal with the export motion tool, and it exports. just… not everything.

In fact, it doesn’t seem to export anything except for the skeleton. So when I try to import it into UE4 (or back into maya) it shows a skeleton. and a cube. which might be good for something funny like this, but not what I’m looking for.

Here’s the Scene setup: Link

In addition, I am gettnig the following error on alot of occasons for different kinds of things.

# Error: TypeError: file K:/Program Files/UnrealEngine-4.0/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Scripts\ line 362: ‘NoneType’ object is not iterable #

Please advise.

FK/IK switch anomaly

As the GIF shows, I’m experiencing a strange issue where I switch from FK/IK and back again while the arms twist over and over and over.
Any ideas?

i cant found it in there.I animated but he’s stomact isnt jiggling. maybe its jiggles in game ?

Maya 2015 Service Pack 2.
I’m not sure if it’s an isolated issue but as soon as I updated to service pack 2 this evening, ART will not build the final rig and crashes Maya with every attempt.
Just in case it’s an issue, I would avoid Service pack 2 if possible.
I can’t seem to revert to 1, to confirm it’s a service pack 2 issue, since the arrival of Autodesk’s new update manager.

A minor bug that I noticed is that you need to select the check-box “Same as left arm” after you make the left arm settings. If I check that box 1st on the right arm and make my changes on the left arm, it does not mirror the settings thus the symmetry button crashes.

It doesn’t look like it possible to create more than 3 finger joints even though you can enter another number. Does that sound about right?

Yep! is correct, it may not be in Dynamic mode. Also if it is in Dynamic mode, make sure the chainStartEnevelope attribute on the control isn’t set to 0!

Shouldn’t be a problem!

This is the correct behavior, by design, if you will. It is only supposed to export what the engine needs to get your motion data in. In this case, the bones, and the cube which holds all blendshape curve data.
Looks like that error you’re receiving has something to do with a control with no keyable attributes. Did you by chance lock down attributes on a control?

I actually have a fix for this, I’ll get the dropbox updated shortly and let you guys know when that’s done. It was a really stupid bug that took me forever to track down. That was a fun day :wink:
(cool model btw!)

Hmm, it should be adding a metacarpal bone if you create a 4th. Technically, that ends up being the first long bone in the finger chain. Let me know if you’re not getting that. And thanks for the bug regarding the checkbox. I’m redoing that UI now to work with all versions of Maya and be cross-platform, so it will certainly be addressed then!

Hey all!

Hope you guys had a good 4th of July!

I’m currently working on many things at once, since it’s hard to isolate sections of this beast. Basically, my big effort right now is going into a couple things:

  1. Making the tools work better cross-platform and across multiple Maya versions. Write now I’m rewriting all of the interfaces in QT, which I’ve tested in 2013, 2014, and 2015 on both Windows and Mac and have had great success there. There’s still a ton of work to do however. I’ll post a preview once it’s further along. I’ll be changing up the workflow to hopefully make things better and faster to work with. For example, I’ll be getting rid of skeleton settings and skeleton placement phases and combining those into 1 phase.

  2. Converting all of the existing code to be modular. What does this mean? Instead of creating a character right now and the tool giving you a set grouping of limbs/settings, it will be changed to where creating a character gives you access to each individual limb and part. If you were to load a biped template, instead of the template just containing the settings, it will now contain which modules make up that template as well (biped would be torso, head, arms x2, legs x2, etc). This means you’ll be able to create anything and it will open the door to adding more modules in the future rather easily (instead of just having leaf, jiggle, and chain as your only extra options, we could have wings, pistons, hind legs, treads, wheels, whatever!).

I still have a $h!t ton of work to do to get all of this in place, but progress is happening.
