Animation and Rigging Tools: FAQ, Known Issues and Feature Roadmap

It hasn’t been included, as currently, it’s not considered part of the Unreal Engine as such. It was just an internal tool that they decided to ship out with the rest of the engine, but since it’s only me writing them, it’s super hard right now to try and be reliable with dates and such. I have to see to our internal game project needs first and then any time left over can be spent on tools. We’re working on hiring some more people though, which should allow me to focus more heavily on tool fixes and feature requests! Hopefully very soon!

Using Maya 2015 I take it? They did something with the new release of Maya that completely breaks certain UI flags which is super annoying. I’m working on putting out a fix for that, but in the meantime, people have just been opening the python files, searching for sizeable = True, and replacing with sizeable = False.

Hope that helps!

You can see part of my answer here:

We’re looking at probably just outsourcing a mac port at this point, as I have no idea when I’ll have the time (currently, I don’t even have a mac to test on!)

sure! For various tech demos, we’ve just used leaf joint modules (under the add rig modules area) and blendshapes!

What about the facial rig inside ART?
It’ll be blendshape based or joint-based rig? both of them?

I’m eager to see what you guys come up with :slight_smile:

Ok thanks.
And I’m also interested in some info about the facial rig.

Yes, Maya 2015. It works fine in 2014 so I’ll stay with that until the fix comes along. Thanks for the response.

This reminds me of Wetas Tissue system :) Too bad Im not a Maya user. I know 3Ds Max is not the industry-standar, but I feel more “home” in 3Ds Max.

Pardon if this is a repeat question, my searching skills may need improvement.

We are considering picking up Maya LT to help with rigging, maybe make things easier for us to send resources into UE4. Doesn’t seem like we would have much trouble with the rigging tools coming from the LT version, but I’d hate to assume this. Anyone with some Maya LT experience can confirm if this works well with the toolkit and with UE4 in general? Thanks in advance!

Edit: duh, I’m an idiot. Should have taken note from the FAQ at the beginning. Sorry!

How does the weapon options work in the export animation window?
do I need to give a specific name to my weapon rig?

I might be missing something here, but how is everyone else parenting objects/props to the IK hand?
Is there some kind of purpose built null to constrain to? Or is the space switcher used for this?

Maya 2015x64, 4.2.
Aside from the UI issues.

You can’t save the scene after using ART. It has to do with Mental Ray Nodes that are coming in from the JointMover.mb file. If you force unload MR in 2015, you can save the scene. Somehow there are collisions with the mr nodes in 2015.

I used this workaround (renaming mr directory so it can’t be found, then removing unknown nodes) on the JointMover.mb. Works fine now in 2015.

You can edit the for 2015 and just make the window sizes bigger. Search for “Publish Character”. You’ll see the line containing “publishUIWindow” and “publishUIMainLayout”. Change h=310 to h = 500 or so. You’ll also need to do it for both values in the callback ‘publishUICollapseFrame’, or it will snap down again when you close the advanced tab.

hey , will the face rig that’s planned for release include the features described in your 2012 Autodesk talk?

Thanks SVAD.:slight_smile:

The plan is to offer a wide array of solutions, from just joints, or just blends, or a combination of both!

Good question! There is a small bit about it in the docs here:

Basically, the weapon/prop currently would need to have a namespace to show up in the dropdown. You can create one by hand, or just reference the asset in to get one automatically created.

This is indeed what the space switcher is for! Just open up the space switcher UI, create a space, and then you can right click on the control in the picker UI and choose the space there, or use the space switch UI dropdowns. Both will work!

Awesome. I’ll definitely do this as well. I haven’t had a chance to get 2015 installed and tested yet. Thank you for the heads up!

To an extent, but much more modular. The face rig in that talk was built for the Gears characters and had a set joint count, and obviously a set face layout. I think what I’d like to do is use the same ideas, but turn the parts into modules, like a nose, an eye, mouth, etc. So each module has that underlying idea, but this way you could make any kind of crazy face you want!