Animation and Rigging Tools: FAQ, Known Issues and Feature Roadmap

I just replied to that thread with perhaps a better solution and some clarification. Hope that helps!

Would you mind setting up a thread on the answerHub with a screenshot of the problem? If you create the thread in everything else, and tag it with animation and rigging toolkit, it should show up in my inbox :slight_smile:


I want to apologize for my absence. We’ve been crunching on a project here at work and I haven’t had any time to do any tools work for a while now. I hope to be getting back on tools within the month of June, so I appreciate your patience. Unfortunately, the tools work is generally not scheduled work and takes a back seat to the game projects’ needs as you would imagine :slight_smile:
Thanks again for being patient and being awesome. I hope I can get back to tools soon and start getting some updates out :slight_smile:

Hello, having a problem when importing into UE4… I was following along with the tutorial on Unreal Engines channel last night.

I built my guy just like the video and imported into UE4 third person template and chose to use that existing skeleton so I could use the walk/run animations but when I actually run an animation the character like falls down with its legs and arms all pulled in…I looks horrible.

As I said I followed the tutorial…did I miss something or do something wrong? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks for your time.

Thank you, that certainly cleared things up a little.

Yet Im having problems over and over again. Just now I finished painting weights. Tried building the controll rig but nope, the tool wouldnt let me.
It stops at 80%, the character disappears and the “Publish Character” window stays open.

This is what the Script Editor tell me

It seems to me like there might be problems with some names and/or nodes but I imported my Character into a clean scene, just had my former saved templates applied and tried to build the controll rig, yet the problem remains.

Since I dont really know how to read mel or python, the script editor doesnt help me a lot.

Guess Im switching back to maya 14. Im editing this post once I`ve tried with Maya 14.


Another problem I noticed is maya 15 using up more and more physical memory when painting weights with the ART Tool. I`m running 16GB of fast memory but after half an hour of painting weights I get a warning telling me to shut down maya to prevent data loss. I once ignored that warning which resulted in maya crashing. At that point the task manager showed 12 GB memory usage for just maya. My undo steps within maya are at 100 which I never had problems with so far and also I delete history frequently so I have no clue what maya needs that much memory for.
Short notice: This only happens when painting weights with the ART tool.


Tried Maya 14 but with the same result.
So the problem must be something else I guess.

Edit 2//

It does not seem to be a problem with my skinweights since this problem occures also when using automatic skinned weights.

It is also not because of my mesh, since the same problem occures when using only my templates (skeleton & jnt mover. setup) on the proxy mesh.

Edit 3//

Now here is the funny part.
I tried using ONLY my skeleton template with the default jnt mover setup. It worked just fine and it would now let me create a controll rig.

So, it has to be my jnt mover template causing the problem, right? So I thought.
Curious like I am, I tried using the default skeleton setup with my custom jnt mover template, expacting it to crash, yet it worked!

So for clarification:
Both my templates, the skeleton and the jnt mover template workjust fine, individually.
But when using both templates together the Art tool will not let me build a control rig.

Edit 4//

I found out what was causing me trouble throughout today!
I had joints added just for the purpose of orienting their parents and deleted them before skinning.
Now it seems the ART Tool needs every joint it created to perform properly throughout the whole rigging process.

hi guys,

I try to Add Character–>Add Mannequin, but this not work. :frowning:
Can anyone upload a maya file with the default Mannequin please?

Will it be possible to give an animator a character built in ART that will allow them to use the interface as well?

I have a project that’ll require 4 additional animators besides me and I’ll need them to use the character I created with ART.
I’m the one with the U4 subscription but I don’t know how to grant them access to the interface that comes with the character.
They need to be able to use all the bells and whistles of the interface.

I’ve tried putting the ART folder and Rigged character on a separate windows machine, changed the reference director and the character opens in Maya, no problem.
But the interface is not available. Is there a solution? Am I missing something?

You’ll need to have them do the installation part (including copying the userSetup file to overwrite their own), where they’ll point maya to the MayaTools folder location.

Then they should be able to go to the Epic Games menu, and add character for animation, which will add the character and open the UI. You can also access the UI from the Epic Games menu as well. I guess the most important thing is, they need to have that menu for the UI to show up.
Hopefully that was the issue. Let me know if it wasn’t!

OK i found the solution. The Sample Mannequin can only open with Maya 2014 and higher. Maya2012/2013 dosen’t work.

In maya 2014 you can tick Ignore Version found in Window>>Settings/Preferences>>Preferences>>Files/Projects not sure if maya 2012/2013 has this option but it might.

The mannequin leg seems to become disconnected sometimes. I have no idea what’s causing this, there isn’t a visible bone or controller for moving the leg in this way that I’m aware of. Does anyone know whats causing this, is it a bug? Or am I just missing something obvious? One useful piece of information that might be helpful; I added this gun from 3DS max and it automatically adds a joint which I use to control the gun. When I move the joint, it seems to effect the leg but in an erratic way that doesn’t make much sense. Sometimes it will make the leg “jump” forward a bit then sit there and do nothing, which is how it progressed to its current position I believe… because I didn’t notice the leg looking like that at first. May have been gradual.

Oh and by the way, I really love these tools. As someone who hasn’t done rigging before, its naturally teaching me a lot and in an intuitive way.

Thanks ,
That makes perfect sense.
Thank for knocking my head on straight. I should’ve considered that solution.

Hey , is this listed somewhere on the UE4 roadmap (Trello)? I looked around but couldn’t find it. I would like to get an idea of the timeline and vote for it as well. Thanks!

For anyone having trouble with auto hips enabling itself with the standard Mannequin, just helped me come to a solution.

Rig works great now. Time to redo that running animation.

Have any of you run into this problem? The window has locked and will not let me drag the bottom down to expose the rest of the inputs so I can move forward. Restarting Maya did not help.

Same with me. I’d like to know the timetable for Mac OSX support as well. And to vote on it.


Do you think is possible to have this plugin for cinema 4d? :slight_smile:


Why no love for Silo and why has 3ds max a PivotPainter script … Wheres maya’s version **** it!..walks away… door slams. =)

A real quick question. Would it be possible to set up a face rig in conjunction with the auto rig? I know the feature is on the way, but I would like to know what I can do in the meantime.

Weird! Is it possible that there is a locator in the hip area you can see? One of the initial releases of the code had some locators visible that, when keyed, would totally break stuff (sorry!). The later versions of the code from dropbox and probably from the 4.2 drop have fixed this.