I currently have the following:
- C++ Class Citizen that inherits from Character class
- C++ Class Clerk that inherits from Citizen class
- BP Class BP_Clerk that implements the Clerk C++ class
I am using the stock third person character mesh that comes with UE4 (SK_Mannequin) and the stock animation class (ThirdPerson_AnimBP_C).
I had the character successfully moving around with AI MoveTo and was off working on other features. Suddenly, around the time I upgraded to 4.16, my BP_Clerk character’s movement broke as well as his animation. I think the two issues are related.
Any idea why this might be? Did 4.16 change anything with how classes inheriting from Character work? If I place the actual ThirdPersonCharacter Blueprint in my map, it works properly, so I’m wondering if it has something to do with inheriting from Character in the current release.
Here’s a video example (apologies on the audio, was watching a stream at the time):
You can see that the first mesh has no idle animation (this is my Clerk Blueprint), whereas the other (base ThirdPersonCharacters) are animating properly.
EDIT: I just determined that when I create a Blueprint extending from the Character or Citizen (mentioned above) classes, the animation works properly. Clerk works improperly, however.