I’m trying to go through the Animating Prop Movement guide. I’d love to copy and paste in the completed code so I can run through it and change it up to learn from this sample projects. I am running into so many issues already so I figured I’d make a post where I can just ask questions along the way and hopefully people can assist me in getting this sample project running.
In the future it would be amazing to have access to a completed project file that we could access to learn from.
So Q1:
On page 2
When we create the verse file for the completed code for “movement_behaviors.verse” do we select “verse device” when creating the new file?
Then we select ‘create’ correct? not ‘create empty’?
Then when we copy and paste in the final code do we delete everything that is in the verse file first? or do we paste in under the “# TODO: Replace this with your code” line?
And what do we do regarding all the indents on the pasted code?
for the movement_behaviors.verse, as you can see at the end of the documentation, it more used to reference all used function to work with movement, it’s an “util” file, so no, don’t use verse device.
To create directly an empty verse file, In visual studio code, on top of files projects, you can directly create fresh file (or right click in project files) . Name it movement_behaviors.verse, and that it
“Create” and “Create empty” : When you’r trying to create a verse file from the verse explorer, you can select 4 verse “template”. “Create” create the file with the code from selected template in it, “Create empty” create you the file, without any code in it
“# TODO: Replace this with your code” are a comment line, so you can remove it
You can create file as "Create empty’ from verse explorer, or directly in visual studio, can past the final code inside
In Verse, you can use brackets ( {} ), who have as effect the indent have no incident, or as the final code, based on the indent, so you need to correct it if the copy/past lost some indent
If you wan to use {}