Animated objects

Hi, trying to get my head around how you interact with objects in the vive with animated parts, like say a cupboard door with a hinge or a draw that can be pulled out and pushed back.

Do you animate them in your selected software and bring them in and set it up through blueprints, if so how?


is like the NVidia apex stuff and setting bones in keys positions?

any help would be great thanks.

It sort of depends on what sort of interaction you’re looking for. If you are opening a door and you want it to animate perfectly from one point/rotation to another, you could either do that in your 3D program or in UE4. I approach that by just having a blueprint where the door object rotates 90 degrees on trigger.

To allow the user to open and swing objects at their own preference, you would be looking at physics constraints and collisions. This project has some great examples that you can dissect: VR Content Examples - XR Development - Epic Developer Community Forums