Anim montage problems with delegates and networking

I’ve already tried to clarify this problem to others, but none of them did help, so i’ll explain it as much as i can.
Anyway, I’m making first person shooter. What I wanna do is when the bullets in clip are empty is to automatically reload the weapon. I have weapon component, 3person weapon and my character classes set up. When the player clicks the mouse I set up a timer, by which the weapon shoots. When the player release the mouth I clear the timer. And I have “ReduceAmmo” method, which runs every time the weapon shoots. Basically, I don’t have access in weapon component when is weapon shooting precisely. Here’s the Reduce Ammo method:

void AThirdPersonWeapon::ReduceAmmo()
	if (!HasAuthority()) return;

	if (Bullets == 0) return;

	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("DElegate Invoked in weapon!"));
	if (Bullets == 0)
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("On reload broadcasting"));

On spawn of 3person weapon in weapon component i bind these delegates to certain functions. OnReload runs Reload method of weapon component, which is Server RPC, then it runs NetMulticast RPC PlayReloadAnim. Here’s the code of it:

void UWeaponComponent::PlayReloadAnim_Implementation()
 if (IsRunningDedicatedServer() || !MyPawn) return;

 if (!ReloadMontageFPP || !ReloadMontageTPP)
     UE_LOG(LogWeaponComponent, Warning, TEXT("One of reload montage assets wasn't set"));
 if (MyPawn->IsLocallyControlled())
 else MyPawn->PlayAnimMontage(ReloadMontageTPP);

Basically MyPawn is the character i talked about in the first paragraph. And the last thing is the mere PlayAnimMontageFPP method of my character.

void APlayerCharacter::PlayAnimMontageFPP(UAnimMontage* MontageToPlay)
	    if (!InnerMesh || !InnerMesh->GetAnimInstance() || !MontageToPlay) {
		    UE_LOG(LogPlayerCharacter, Warning, TEXT("In 'PlayAnimMontageFPP' some nullptr occured"));
	    const float Length = InnerMesh->GetAnimInstance()->Montage_Play(MontageToPlay);
	    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("Anim montage playing for: %.2f secs"), Length);

Inner mesh is the skeletal mesh of first person arms. In logs it never shows something like “Anim montage playing for 0.00 secs”.
So, here’s the question:

Why does anim montage of first person arms run only on clients and not on listen server?
Furthermore, why it doesn’t run on STANDALONE, but runs on clients?

Also, I’d like to mention that I bind delegates to functions in such way in weapon component:

TPPWeapon->OnReload.BindUFunction(this, TEXT(“Reload”));

I have encountered something similar, but I can’t exactly remember what it was.

In short, I had a NetMulticast function with the same IsLocallyControlled() check, and it would always return false on a listen server. IDK why it was happening, because there was a locally controlled character. If I remember correctly, I used GetController()->IsLocalController() instead, and it yielded correct results.

Thanks for your answer. Though, I have log in PlayAnimMontage, and when I play alone on listen server the log appears, hence IsLocallyControlled check returns true, and I checked this many times, so it’s for sure.