All was fine until I changed an animation in locomotion to a corresponding one, it won´t go back, and I already saved the blueprint.Compliler says all is running perfect. I’ve checked everything on the anim and event graphs and cant seem to figure it out. Anyone have any ideas?
Yeah, I’ve retargeted it, reimported the original and removed en replaced the animations, including jump. I originally did it from 0 copying the nodes over, When I did that I had to replace all the animations to the ones i had retargeted, and it all worked fine until I replaced "
Some things that might help to locate the problem:
Have you tried duplicating and retargeting the “faulty” anim blueprint back to its original skeleton? That way we’d know if the blueprint is somehow acting up after retargeting, or if it’s a problem exclusive to your skeleton. Also, because you mentioned a possible connection between the problem and the jumping anims; have you tried removing jumping from the state machine (to see if something changes)?