This is my first attempt at developing for Mobile, We’ve done a number of architectural visualizations for desktop and our textures/Materials work fine. The devices I’m testing on: Moto X Pure, Nexus 6. They still look great in the editor, but whenever I launch or package for Android the textures don’t tile. They seem to sit in the center of the UV and stretch across the rest:
Here’s what they look like in the editor:
Our textures are all:
Power of two (either 512 or 1024)
set to wrap
Materials are using Custom UVs
I was setting the UVs in 3DS Max as box projection at 1’ cubed so that the textures would be uniformly scaled across meshes. I thought that might be the problem so I remapped all the meshes using a flattened UV map and the textures seem to be doing the same thing:
I’ve looked all over the and I can’t seem to find a solution. Anyone have any Ideas?
have you changed UV scale of those textures?
Are those textures shared wrap?
I use the same method as you and works fine.
try something like this:
and remove custom UVs

Yes, by using a texture coordinate in the Custom UV. It’s a pretty simple material.
Just tried removing the custom UVs, looks the same.
I thought I read somewhere in the Unreal documentation that Custom UVs were preferred for mobile.
Hi jpurcell,
Based off the screenshots you provided your issue looks very similar to this Hub post:
Tiling impossible with Google VR plugin - XR Development - Epic Developer Community Forums
It looks like the issue has been addressed in 4.13 and is now fixed. You can always verify this by making a copy of your project in 4.13 and testing!
hope that helps,
I’m trying to test this on 4.13 preview 3, but the game will not launch or package
If you created the 4.13 version of the project by opening a copy of the .5 version in UE4.13, try these troubleshooting steps:
- Run a Map check for all maps in your project and fix any errors.
- Right-click on the Content folder in the Content Browser and select fix up redirectors in folder.
- If the first two steps do not resolve the issue, make a back up of, then delete the Saved, Intermediate, and Config folders from your Unreal Project folder.
- Open the output log and clear (so you’re starting with a blank log)
- Try packaging again and if it fails, cut and paste contents in a new text file and link here
for looking into this, I tried all the steps above and It’s still not packaging. Attached is the package section of the new log.
What OS are you using and do you have any 3rd Party Plugins installed?
I’m using windows 10. I don’t think I have any 3rd party plugins installed, The only plug in added was the GoogleVR, oculus, and steam VR plugins through the plug ins menu.
Hi jpurcell,
You may need to update your Android_NDK_Root environment variables to point to the newer Android NDK. Here is a screen shot of that location.
I would recommend downloading Revision 11c as I know that one works NDK Revision History | Android NDK | Android Developers
Once You have updated your NDK try deploying.
Hope that helps,
Unfortunately, those are the versions I was already running. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling codeworks and pointing to the newer versions before packaging. and finally this morning, updating to 4.13.0 and trying to package with either 11c and 12b. They all have similar logs.
Hi jprucell,
After some investigating I noticed you had “multiple definitions of GetHMD()” in your log files. I found an issue that is essentially the same as yours. 4.13 GearVR/GoogleVR plugins conflict - Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums
A bug report has been made and you can review the status of it here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-35691)
Hope that helps,
Since we have no interest in using GearVR in the near future, we’ve turned that plug in off for now, and it is packaging successfully.
I can also confirm that packaging in 4.13 does solve the texture issue. !
I was having the same issue deploying to HTML5, and my searches led me here, and im going to leave my solution, in case someone else is having the issue and cant find a solution. You need to make your textures power of 2, and set the mip gen settings as “FromTextureGroup”, instead of the “noMipMaps” you are forced to chose for non power of 2 textures.