Android reflection capture

Hi all,
i am playing around with Android and apk,
I am pretty lost , i have read a lot of answer abour reflection that are solved and unsolved.

I have loaded the standard Fps for mobile,
added a new material with 1 metallic and 0 roughness and a texture with checker red.
I download an hdr from the web and placed inside the skylight and the Spherereflection capture.
As you can see the Sphere reflection make the sphere pitch black.

Can i use sphere reflection on android?


Hey @Est_engine
Refections are definitely a bit limited in mobile due to hardware constraints.

For a first suggestion, do you have Mobile HDR enabled in your project settings?
It might also end up working better if you implement your own simple reflection material.
I hope this can help!

hi zen,
yes i have the mobile hdr enabled ,
yes XD i have my own material with a custom parameter for the reflection that works fine.

I really got confused by , why the skylight works and the sphere reflection dont.
Just an arbitraty decision of epic engineers ?

Thanks man :stuck_out_tongue: