Hi all,
I’m trying to load assets dynamically from packaged PAK files. And it’s working. However, when I mount a PAK file and register a mount point onto /Game/, I can no longer use Open Level as it cannot find the levels from the base PAK anymore.
Without adding this line, I cannot find any content from the mounted PAK via IAssetRegistry scanning. But when I add this line, the levels from the base PAK no longer can be loaded, almost as if it replaces everything under /Game/ with just the contents of the add-on PAK. If I remove this line, Open Level works properly again (but dynamic assets obviously don’t). Is there a way to fix this? Thanks!
Things I tried and didn’t help:
Unmounting the add-on PAK files
Using FPackageName::UnRegisterMountPoint on all registered add-on mounted PAKs
Is there perhaps a way to re-register the base PAK before trying to load a level somehow?
Hi , Im working a quite while on pak files but im getting issue for loading or mouting the pak file . How can we extract the pak files generated using C++ or blueprints into UE4. I have followed the chunkdownloader video by unreal engine but they have implemented using local server or aws server so i want to extract the pak files from local storage instead of iis local server or aws server and after the we extract the pak files load it in runtime during game .
So it would be really great if you help me regarding this and if possible can you share the code to load dynamically from packaged pak files.
To answer my own question from this thread - what ended up working is unmounting the PAK files and unregistering the mount points after loading the contents. It seems unintuitive and contradictory but it works - the loaded contents keep working even after the PAKs are unmounted and their mount points are unregistered, and after that referencing base PAK contents works as expected.
Thanks for your fast reply , i have tried mounting them using different source code but it didn’t worked for me . So currently i have extracted the pak files using urealpak.exe and loading the level.umap from persistent path but the pie gets crash
Ive been trying to create a DLC to an android project, but I cant seem to mount the content correctly… I`m using the blueprint commands un UE5.1, but the path is never correct… I followed a few tutorials, I managed to locally add the the contends and allegedly install it, but when it comes to mounting, it always fail, can someone give me a light or a mini working project, that works? Thanks