Dear Epic,
I am unable to even build my 4.11 project on a machine that has the android SDK installed.
I build this project just fine all the time on my main computer!
All I did was pass Config,Content,Source, and the .uproject to the other machine, and expected I could right click, generate vs files, and everything would work.
The sln is created, for 2013 of course, but :
when I try to build Development Editor x64, I get this error
Parsing headers for JoyBallEditor
1> Running UnrealHeaderTool "C:\JoyBallForAndroid\JoyBallForAndroid\JoyBall.uproject" "C:\JoyBallForAndroid\JoyBallForAndroid\Intermediate\Build\Win64\JoyBallEditor\Development\UnrealHeaderTool.manifest" -LogCmds="loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error" -Unattended -WarningsAsErrors -installed
1>LogCompile : error : Failed to initialize the engine (PreInit failed).
1>Error : Failed to generate code for JoyBallEditor - error code: CrashOrAssert (3)
1> UnrealHeaderTool failed for target 'JoyBallEditor' (platform: Win64, module info: C:\JoyBallForAndroid\JoyBallForAndroid\Intermediate\Build\Win64\JoyBallEditor\Development\UnrealHeaderTool.manifest).
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(43,5): error MSB3073: The command ""C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.11\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Rebuild.bat" JoyBallEditor Win64 Development "C:\JoyBallForAndroid\JoyBallForAndroid\JoyBall.uproject" -waitmutex" exited with code 3.
#2015? 2013? Android? 4.10? What’s going on?
I really dont understand something.
I thought that as of 4.10 we had to use VS 2015 to compile, and yet Android requires 2013 to be used instead.
I imagine something changed since the release of 4.10 where it was rather firmly declared that launcher builds of the engine would require VS 2015. (Unreal Engine 4.10 Released! - Unreal Engine)
But how does this all work, when you have a 4.11 project that needs 2015, and yet you want to build for android, which requires 2013, all on the same machine?
My 4.11 project compiles perfectly when 2015 is used, and I get the above error when 2013 is used, and yet, I am trying to build for android…
Can you please explain more?
PS: I welcome any others to comment as well