android ads packaging fail on ue5.5

I am trying to find solution for 2 weeks for an issue with admobs integration
using admobs trigger packaging error when packaging for android
found in forum WA for this - just replacing android advertizing xml from 18.6 to 22.6

this indeed seem to fix the issue but then I have other issue when trying to install the app with adb ( probably something with signing/authentication )

it is really frustrating ,
if someone can offer other WA / resolution for this or at least tell me how to fix the installation issue triggered by xml replacing I will be thanksfull

btw this seems to be an issue since 5.0 , I don`t know how but epic games should be notified and fix that
I am using plain streight forward ad integration work according to manuals and it just not working !

this is the original forum answer:

I think you are experiencing a mismatched or invalid app signature. Try checking if the app’s package name is correct. Also, verify that your keystore file name matches the information entered in the ‘Distribution Signing’ section of the Android platform.

the fix from forum really worked
the reason I couldnt run is problems with appID ( and lake of documentation from UE )
in addition I now have problem of adding my test device but this is different issue

shame on Epic/UE5 to have so many bugs so long time and they do nothing to resolve it
it feel sorry for ever starting developing with this engine

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