Ancient Rome Epigraphy

Last scan I did is an ancient Rome Epigraphy. Took 60 pictures of this stone within the history museum.
Currently working on scanning a military tunnel bunker, and face scanning (pushing to the limit the MTC textures).


Hi there @AlexTheGreatz,

Hope you’re well and having a great week so far!

What a cool thing to scan! As a total history nerd, a gallery would be a really interesting way for people to experience awesome things like this. A bunch of important historical scans in a VR room would allow people to “examine” things that they’d never otherwise see - super exciting!

Which military bunker are you scanning for the new project?

Thanks for sharing and I can’t wait for your next piece! :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your comment @PresumptivePanda ; indeed I’m thinking about making a Virtual-Reality interactive environment with photoscanned assets…Just trying to find something that’s worth investing time into. Also looking for more colaborations with companies :).
The underground tunnel for air defence I’m working on is this one: Refugi Antiaeri de Gavà | Consorci de Turisme del Baix Llobregat



For those who like 3d scans of historical buildings, have a look at the scans of artfletch - Sketchfab