Ambigous Symbol - DWORD , Windows Serial Communication


I’m trying to get my game ( c++) to communicate to the serial port. I have looked at the example for arduino and cpp files, Arduino Playground - CPPWindows and have added the cpp and header file into my project. I’m getting the following errors:

error C2872: 'DWORD' : ambiguous symbol	C:\Users\x\Documents\Unreal Projects\x\Source\x\SerialClass.cpp  94	

error C2872: 'DWORD' : ambiguous symbol	C:\Users\x\Documents\Unreal Projects\x\Source\x\SerialClass.cpp  132	

error C2872: 'DWORD' : ambiguous symbol	c:\users\x\documents\unreal projects\x\source\x\SerialClass.h	27

In my .cpp file I have written my includes as

#include "AllowWindowsPlatformTypes.h"
#include "SerialClass.h"
#include "HideWindowsPlatformTypes.h"

and my includes in my .h file as

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

Is there a way to get these types to work?

did You solve this problem? I’ve got the same error and I can’t figure this out for some time