Double click on your normal map in the content browser to bring up the asset details. In the details menu, scroll down to ‘compression’ sub menu and replace the compression setting ‘TC Normal’ map with ‘TC Default’. Then re-import the map. That should work.
Best wishes,
No Worries. Hopefully that worked for you?
Hi everyone.
I have my normal map with the roughness in the alpha slot. Everything looks fine in Photoshop. RGB, then Alpha 1 with the roughness placed there. When I save it out of Photoshop, I have Alpha Channel ticked and have it saved as a 32-bit TGA. If I re-open the file in Photoshop, the alpha data is still there.
When this is imported into UE4. The alpha no longer is connected and instead is pure white. I’ve tried this with multiple maps with the same result each time.
Wow thank you for the quick reply.
It did; however, I wasn’t able to use that with a Material Function that has the ability to tile UVs. I just put the roughness in the diffuse instead. Thank you for the reply though. I’m sure this will come in handy very soon.
Hmm, actually, setting it to non TC_normalmap messes up the map when applied.
Just needs to have this added.