All UPROPERTY's resets after build

I have some variables defined with macro UPROPERTY() in my cpp-based blueprint:

	TSubclassOf<UJournalWidget> journal_widget_bp;

	FSlateColor OriginalButtonColor;

    // etc

And if I add new UPROPERTY() value and rebuild project, all properties resets to default (0 for pointers, default color for colors etc). (if I add non property value, of just change code it did not resets)

Its really annoying, anyting I can do with it?

I assume you mean hot reload, raport a bug, i actully find that myself.

Remeber that hot reload is not perfect, sometimes you need to close editor and compile with editor closed if you find any reproducible bug raport

yes, of course hot reload, forgot about it. Thats sad, because my project loads in 2-3 minutes.