Hi everyone,
I am getting a really strange issue after upgrading from a source build of UE5.4 to UE5.5, where in my Engine code and Project Code, all TOptionals are saying the type is incomplete. What is the most odd about this is everything builds just fine, HOWEVER, when creating an actual build of the game it does not run on certain machines anymore that it ran just fine on for 5.4.
I have verified that if I remove certain lines that hit TOptionals and cause a crash on the machines I mentioned above, it works though. Any help would be appreciated, at first I thought it was a Visual Studio issue, but after cleaning, clearing Intermediates, regenerating I am still getting the same issue.
The Crash I get on other machines :
Assertion failed: IsSet() […(Path)…\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Misc\Optional.h] [Line: 364]
It is an error to call GetValue() on an unset TOptional. Please either check IsSet() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.