All project plugins cause the same error when building

I’m collaborating on a project right now and up until this point everything was done in blueprint. The project itself is a blueprint project (so no compile button in editor, no source folder in editor). I would’ve made it a C++ project from the start, but I just joined the project. So I’m trying to get C++ working. So I generated the Rider project and opened it. But when I go to build from Rider I get a long list of errors, one for each of the plugins in the project.

Has anyone encountered this before?

Hey there @nolanwillis38! that’s a tough one, I’ve only seen this error a couple of times, and in most instances it boils down to something stopping the temp files from being edited at all. It could be your antivirus blocking the files changing or the path itself could be too long. Other times it’s not clear what is causing the files not to be able to be written, but some users have experienced trying to build to a different drive sometimes causing this as well.

I read that post and made sure my windows and antiviruses were not blocking UE5 from renaming. And made sure UE5 had read/write permissions. This doesn’t seem to be a common problem, I’ve never run into it before. Thanks for responding to my post, I’ll try moving the project to have a shorter path.

So I think I fixed the problem but I’m unsure if it is safe or recommended. I deleted my saved, binaries, and intermediate folders in the project (no big deal I do it all the time). But I also deleted the binaries and intermediate folders in all the plugins, forcing them to rebuild. Then I opened the project, clicked yes to rebuild, and generated the solution file. Now the project builds fine.

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Great work! That was actually my next recommendation, it’s not extremely unsafe but it’s recommended to back things up before hand. Rebuilding everything is often the magic bullet when you get any esoteric build issues.

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