All creator issues with UEFN (+UX - part 2)

Previous posts:
UX Part 1: Normal - UEFN - QOL things that are missing from UEFN level design toolset

UEFN issues Part 1: My frustrations with UEFN (general constructive thread and general feature requests) - #2 by Art3mysz

I ll continue where I left off. This thread is mainly for issues that prevent us from building a great game, or make it really hard to do so.

  1. Meshes, materials, material instances, props just to do 1 new asset.

It feels I am replicating the same actions over and over when trying to make a new asset. I don’t see why we have to have props and meshes be made separately, since they are always the same by design (I know the difference, but if you think about it its just the same thing with some added instructions to it).

For it to make sense, I 'd prefer to either:

a) Allow us to group actors together and create complex behaviours, then drag and drop them in the content browser to create an advanced prop (which makes more sense than having a static mesh that simply has more FN instructions tied to it)
b) remove static meshes from UEFN, then once one is made/imported, an identical prop is created which is exposed, and all the static mesh settings are within it (and the static mesh editor with the BP added settings in it). That would simplify the process, cut development time by a substantial amount (aka merge static meshes and props), and potentially may even decrease filesize.
This is me color coding a ribbon 4 times atm:

  1. There is no sound attenuation support in UEFN for sequencers. Every time we make a sequence, every player in the game will hear it. FN tends to rely on MP games, so this setting makes it impossible to fine-tune little animations and add polish to them without affecting all other players in the island. The same goes for cameras.

  2. File management in content browser:
    There are multiple issues with handling files in content browser. Here are a couple from the top of my head:
    a) Cannot drag a file into the filepath on top to copy/move it there. All other browsing software that I use (including Windows) have that ability and its strange that I can’t do it here.
    b) Duplicating multiple files and duplicating one has different behaviour on numbering file (makes it so that I cant duplicate multiple because the numbering behavior is not wanted). Maybe the ability to choose how the numbering works when copying would be nice. When duplicating eg. Tree_Team1 if I duplicate on its own it becomes Tree_Team2, but if I multi-select actors it becomes Tree_Team1_2 which is unwanted.
    c) Cannot duplicate folders. This is very time consuming, as I have to go inside them, duplicate all content manually, have a new folder named correctly, then drag and drop them into the new folder, only through the sides, and only if its not a material (because that doesn’t work - see Minor - UEFN - Multi-selected materials cannot be moved within folder structure

Is there really no notion of merging actors/creating prefabs in UEFN? This seems like such a fundamental capability of an engine, and something readily available in standard UE (Merging Actors in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation).

Am I just missing something obvious that would allow me to group actors together, or is this legitimately not a feature within UEFN?

Here is what I found:

  1. Modelling mode allows you to merge geometry of multiple meshes iirc
  2. You can Ctrl+G to group actors in level
  3. You can make a blueprint actor class and add all your group stuff in there (most flexible, closest to a prefab, but doesnt support creative devices and generally logic except verse tags)