(ahsan Muzaheed)
April 4, 2017, 5:08pm
i am facing exactly same issue as described here:
the only difference is that my project is for ios. not for tVOs.
[COLOR=“#FF0000 ”]so is this issue exist for all mac platforms or just only tvOs ?
is it happening with everybody or only with certain people ?[/COLOR]
if it worked for some people then i will try to do the packaging using another mac .
here are lines from log:
ogTemp:Display: Running Mono…
LogTemp:Display: Setting up Mono
LogTemp:Display: /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.14/Engine /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.14
LogTemp:Display: Executing iPhonePackager Validate Engine -project /Users/user3/Documents/Unreal Projects/my_Viewer/my_Viewer.uproject -bundlename
LogTemp:Display: CWD: /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.14/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/IOS
LogTemp:Display: Initial Dir: /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.14/Engine
LogTemp:Display: Env CWD: /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.14/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/IOS
LogTemp:Display: BranchPath = MacBook-Pro-di-Manuele.local///Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.14/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/IOS/…/… — GameBranchPath = MacBook-Pro-di-Manuele.local///Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.14/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/IOS/…/…
LogTemp:Display: Searching for mobile provisions that match the game ‘my_Viewer’ with CFBundleIdentifier=‘’ in ‘/Users/user3/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/’
LogTemp:Display: Phase 0 considering provision ‘Distro_my_Viewer_Beta_IOS_Provisioning.mobileprovision’ named ‘my Viewer Beta IOS Provisioning’
LogTemp:Display: … Failed debugging check (mode=False, get-task-allow=False, #devices=0)
LogTemp:Display: Phase 1 considering provision ‘Distro_my_Viewer_Beta_IOS_Provisioning.mobileprovision’ named ‘my Viewer Beta IOS Provisioning’
LogTemp:Display: … Failed phase 1 name check (provision app ID was
LogTemp:Display: Phase 2 considering provision ‘Distro_my_Viewer_Beta_IOS_Provisioning.mobileprovision’ named ‘my Viewer Beta IOS Provisioning’
LogTemp:Display: … Failed phase 2 name check (provision app ID was
LogTemp:Display: IPP WARNING: Failed to find a valid matching mobile provision, will attempt to use the embedded mobile provision instead if present
LogTemp:Display: Searching for mobile provisions that match the game ‘my_Viewer’ with CFBundleIdentifier=‘’ in ‘/Users/user3/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/’
LogTemp:Display: Phase 0 considering provision ‘Distro_my_Viewer_Beta_IOS_Provisioning.mobileprovision’ named ‘my Viewer Beta IOS Provisioning’
LogTemp:Display: … Failed debugging check (mode=False, get-task-allow=False, #devices=0)
LogTemp:Display: Phase 1 considering provision ‘Distro_my_Viewer_Beta_IOS_Provisioning.mobileprovision’ named ‘my Viewer Beta IOS Provisioning’
LogTemp:Display: … Failed phase 1 name check (provision app ID was
LogTemp:Display: Phase 2 considering provision ‘Distro_my_Viewer_Beta_IOS_Provisioning.mobileprovision’ named ‘my Viewer Beta IOS Provisioning’
LogTemp:Display: … Failed phase 2 name check (provision app ID was
LogTemp:Display: IPP WARNING: Failed to find a valid matching mobile provision, will attempt to use the embedded mobile provision instead if present
LogTemp:Display: IPP ERROR: No Provision or cert found!!
LogTemp:Display: Running Mono…Setting up Mono/Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.14/Engine /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.14Executing iPhonePackager Validate Engine -project /Users/user3/Documents/Unreal Projects/my_Viewer/my_Viewer.uproject -bundlename /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.14/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/IOSInitial
Dir: /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.14/EngineEnv CWD: /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.14/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/IOSBranchPath = MacBook-Pro-di-Manuele.local///Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.14/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/IOS/…/… — GameBranchPath = MacBook-Pro-di-Manuele.local///Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.14/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/IOS/…/…Searching for mobile provi
sions that match the game ‘my_Viewer’ with CFBundleIdentifier=‘’ in ‘/Users/user3/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/’ Phase 0 considering provision ‘Distro_my_Viewer_Beta_IOS_Provisioning.mobileprovision’ named ‘my Viewer Beta IOS Provisioning’ … Failed debugging check (mode=False, get-task-allo
w=False, #devices=0) Phase 1 considering provision ‘Distro_my_Viewer_Beta_IOS_Provisioning.mobileprovision’ named ‘my Viewer Beta IOS Provisioning’ … Failed phase 1 name check (provision app ID was Phase 2 considering provision ‘Distro_my_Viewer_Beta_IOS_Provisioning.mobileprovision’ named ‘Cu
stHomEyes Viewer Beta IOS Provisioning’ … Failed phase 2 name check (provision app ID was WARNING: Failed to find a valid matching mobile provision, will attempt to use the embedded mobile provision instead if presentSearching for mobile provisions that match the game ‘my_Viewer’ with CFBundleIdentifier=‘com.n
igis.bundle1’ in ‘/Users/user3/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/’ Phase 0 considering provision ‘Distro_my_Viewer_Beta_IOS_Provisioning.mobileprovision’ named ‘my Viewer Beta IOS Provisioning’ … Failed debugging check (mode=False, get-task-allow=False, #devices=0) Phase 1 considering provision ‘Distro_my_Viewe
r_Beta_IOS_Provisioning.mobileprovision’ named ‘my Viewer Beta IOS Provisioning’ … Failed phase 1 name check (provision app ID was Phase 2 considering provision ‘Distro_my_Viewer_Beta_IOS_Provisioning.mobileprovision’ named ‘my Viewer Beta IOS Provisioning’ … Failed phase 2 name check (provis
ion app ID was WARNING: Failed to find a valid matching mobile provision, will attempt to use the embedded mobile provision instead if presentIPP ERROR: No Provision or cert found!!
PackagingResults:Error: Error Provision not found. A provision is required for deploying your app to the device.
PackagingResults:Error: Error Signing key not found. The app could not be digitally signed, because the signing key is not configured.
Provision not found.Error Signing key not found
here is my settings:
July 14, 2018, 6:56pm
I have also tried every solution found on net …
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): IPP WARNING: Failed to find a valid matching mobile provision, will attempt to use the embedded mobile provision instead if present
my provisions + Certs are 100% correct am on 4.18.3 ( building on win64 launcher, bp project , on remote mac)
any progress on that?
It’s because you havent completed the steps listed in the documentation. Step by step everything step by step, and it works as long as your typing in everything properly. It’s best to delete all keys, provisions etc, and start over with the ue4 tool application for ios. You can also search the forums for the other “cant build to ios posts.” There are thousands.
July 16, 2018, 11:16pm
Muzaheed i updated to 4.19.2 and i was finaly able to package, try the same
my provisioning files and certificates are not becoming green, and while packaging its showing errors,
i have added my screenshots,and I don’t know how to remove all certificates from UE and re upload…
Hi there Muzaheed,
After importing the certificate and the mobileprovision and making sure that your Bundle ID in Project Settings -> IOS is correct. Change your clock at east 4 hours forward and feel the magic