Yeah. No clue. From what I’ve tried and done, most of it is either outdated or barley works, or requires a plugin (Looking at you custom gravity plugin) that creates a whole batch of new problems. C++ or blueprints would be glorious. If possible, disabling the 90 degree angle lock would be appreciated.
Thanks for any and all answers!
There is no any “90 degree angle lock”. You can rotate your pawn at any angle using all components (pitch, yaw, roll) of ControlRotation.
I’m sorry, I should clarify. I meant the walk-able angle. You see, I’m trying for 360 degree movement, but at a certain point the engine just thinks it’s a solid wall, no matter the slope leading up to it. Sorry if this annoyed you.
It is possible only with custom pawn movement component. So you can try to write your own from FloatingPawnMovement, or use custom gravity pluging. Or write another one from custom gravity plugin.
Anyway try yo start with flying movement mode.