Align Niagara particle by velocity direction

Hi all, it’s a simple question but I’m only finding results for the cascade particle system and not Niagara,

How can you align a particle by the direction a particle is traveling? ideally if my particles were arrows they would point in the direction the particle travels.

Many thanks.

It you are using sprite renderer them there is option im renderer alignment. Use velocity aligned. But for mesh renderer take orient mesh to vector and connect it with velocity.


@Cghow I’m also trying to set this up but I’m having trouble getting it right. Would you mind sharing a screen shot of how the settings should or do you happen to cover this in one of your video tutorials?


@Cghow Ok I found your Sprite Rotation Alignment video and that helped me get the particles facing the direction I want. What I posted before was just a simple test.

What I’m really trying to is to do is get particles to go in the direction of something like a circle

This is what I’m getting


How do I get these arrow mesh particles to face in the direction of the circle ? I’m using the Rotate Around Point Location… I tried Vortex Force and that doesn’t work either

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Hi, I had a similar problem, I was able to solve it

I set the rotation angle for the variable, the scratch dynamic input algorithm was specified in the input, and I wrote something like this algorithm in it, carefully connect all the inputs, and in the quality of the input for the algorithm itself, I specify the position or any other variable of the vector type

Explanation. The vector is translated into a corner

In fact, all this can be written in the form of a module



Under either the Sprite Render or Mesh render at the bottom of the emitter, set the Facing Mode to Velocity. If it’s a mesh it needs to be facing down the X-axis when you import it, otherwise the rotation will be wrong.


sorry for late reply- actually to spread like this you do not need rotate around the point, just user torus location with handle radius zero and in distribution linke particle index with U distribution. i do this in lots on my tutorials. then take initial mesh rotation and connect the vector with shape vector or shape normals for alighnment. check this out -

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