I’m here to present my nature pack containing 78 rocks, plants, corals, and trees optimized for game-ready production in a Fantasy/Alien art style for the unreal marketplace.
Available to download here: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/alien-fantasy-nature-pack

You will find in this pack all the reworked and optimized game-ready assets I used for the making of my award-winning 3D game scene: “The Aorta Valley”.
Perfect if your project required customizable Game-ready plants, rock and trees created in a realistic art style in order to create any Alien; Fantasy or Underwater environments as each mesh is using a highly-customizable Master Material to create any kind of otherworldly Biome.
95% of the meshes are accompanied by 3-4LODs, all with distant Imposters and high-quality Subsurface Scattering maps to create extremely populated scenes. Each foliage mesh is also animated with High-quality pivot-based wind simulation.
- Real-Time performance test videos:
I look forward to continuing working on new otherworldly asset packs in the future. If you have any feedback, ideas or questions, feel free to PM or post below 
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Hey there @ArnaudClaudet,
Hope you’re doing well.
Gosh if I could go into a zone in an MMORPG that looked like Aorta Valley I would be the happiest little explorer there has ever been. You’ve done a brilliant job and after watching the videos you linked, I can’t help but wish I could visit a world that looks like this!
Thanks so much for creating this and sharing it with the Unreal Engine Community. it’s so very much appreciated.
Happy future developing! 
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Hi :]
Thanks you for your message, that’s very kind.
I’ve recorded this morning a little video for you from the aorta map so you can see the behind the scene of one of the shot from the cinematic :]
Ps: A lot of people thought when the project was released that the mountains were some kind of 2D parralaxe but in reality, those are real modeled mountains that you can walk on. ^^
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Oh wow! I thought the mountains were a skybox or a photoshopped picture. So insanely impressive that they’re real.
Do you have a Twitter or Discord so that your fans could follow to keep up with your creations?
Ahah, thank you :D, Here’s my instagram: Login • Instagram
I post there really often, updates of my current projects 
Also Speedtree will release a Breakdown interview next week about this project, I’ll make sure to share it here 
Have a nice day!