Alembic Clothes Geometric Cache Animation Flicker Problem

Hello, I’ve been stuck on this project for a while due to a persistent issue. I’m working on a MetaHuman animation using Alembic clothes exported from Marvelous Designer. I’ve exported the clothes as Alembic and imported them into Unreal Engine 5.1.1 as a geometric cache. Then, I opened the cloth in Sequencer, alongside the MetaHuman character.

The character and cloth animations seem perfect, but the problem is that there’s flickering or texture loss (I’m not sure what to call it) at some points in the animation. If you watch the video closely, you’ll notice it, and this issue is also visible in the final render output. I’ve included a link to the pipeline I followed below.

I’ve been struggling with this, and any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. I can’t stress enough how much your assistance would mean to me. Thank you in advance. :pray:

Someone else and myself are having a similar issue. Mine was a cycle, and I was able to workaround it. Synchronise Alembic & Metahuman animation. (UE5.3.2) - #5 by rigatoni_rampage

I am a little superstitious that it’s something to do with 30fps. I did this a year ago at 24fps and don’t remember this issue. Next time I will repeat the process at 24fps instead and see if that makes things better.

@rigatoni_rampage did you ever try it again? I am running into the same issue.