Alembic Cache Disappears Randomly

Ok so I’ve created a spline geometry sweeping to outline a path on some landscape. This alembic is was imported then placed in position. The animation works perfectly fine via animating the start time offset and unchecking Running. The animation is just a linear key from start to end and holding the key till the end, like a freeze. For the first 100 or so frames its fine then as the camera comes close to it, it magically disappears. This happens but still leaves the shadow of the alembic still in the scene but no the geo.

another weird thing to mention is that the scrolling though the timeline in the viewport its does not disappear but only disappears when it come to render the sequence. I’ve double checked the alembic cache there are frames at the end even if its key’d to stop earlier.

Is this a limitation to alembic ? the full sequence is 1250 frames and it disappears around 1100 frames

Did you ever find a solution? I’m having the exact same problem. My alembics(from houdini) appear in the sequencer and I can clearly see them in the viewport. But when it comes to rendering, some don’t even show, others show randomly. Another bug I found is that even with the option “Looping” set to off, they still loop and do not respect the keyframe I set to make them disappear or appear.

I’m on a subsequence