AiMoveTo not working in multiplayer (packed game)

Ue 5.4.1

It’s pretty simple logic (called in aicontroller of mob), works standalone in editor and with play as client, but not in packed game (dedicated server+client), i am not sure what’s wrong.

Replicated movement to mob (character) set to on, replicates is on.

I had also bug with not working replicated animations if to call them from aicontroller, not from character blueprint itself, tho this one node seems not working in both of them.

hmm, maybe it’s connected with navigation mesh, for some reason when y switch one level to another or login menu to server map in packed game it stops working looks like, forgot about this bugcrap, had smth like before.

Why are you loop setting Nav Mesh?

Also, why are you running your move code on tick which has a delay in it? You do know tick executes every frame right? That’s equiv to saying every 16.667 milliseconds delay for 200ms.

It’s one recast mesh anyway here, i guess better will be for each with break, but, just fast coding… shouldn’t effect on anything. On tick because it’s some kind of imitation of quick movement near one point from one iditiotic ue lesson series, it’s not release code, just for testing purpose without any extra logic or even behaviour tree.

Anyway seems problem as i thought with navigation mesh itself… i added extra nav mesh bound on login menu level so engine should see it and load navmesh from start, but seems didn’t help, probably i will be forced to use instead of static, dynamic recast with force rebuild on load, but not sure it will help, also it doesn’t work nice with moving some mobs as i planned. =\

update: ye, dynamic navmesh works with packed, static not.