Hi Everyone,
I’m currently trying to use the Behaviour Tree system and to no avail I have followed lots of tutorials including this one A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums. But nothing seems to work the issue always seems to be around the collecting the vector location from the Node and giving it to the Behaviour tree. I have decided to start from scratch and build an extremely basic version which chases the player just fine, but when I try to include moving to way points it just come up with invalid in the blackboard key. I really don’t know what is going wrong but its very annoying haha any help will be much appreciated.
You’re not giving enough information here, but most common mistake in such cases is that destination actors you’re trying to send your AI to are too high above the ground. You can change the default navigation query extent (which is used in this case) via NavigationSystem’s SupportedAgents (can be found in project’s settings in the editor). Or you can make sure your waypoints are on the navmesh.
If that’s not the case screenshots would help or any other specific info for that matter.
Sorry about the lack of info I’m new to all this haha but what I’am trying to do is make an AI move to a target point and then move to the next target point once he has reached it and then once all have been done restart and if the player is seen break this cycle. so in essence a patrol path system I’ll also include some screen shots I don’t really know much of what I’m doing in the behaviour tree but hopefully I can get some guidance as well. If you need anything more please just ask.