AI UPathFollowingComponent not making generating path properly

Hello. It seems to be my AI is not generating Path properly. I’ve overriden FollowPathSegment and i Inherited to UPathFollowingComponent. So i can put my root motion controller in my AI.

void URootMotionPathFollowing::FollowPathSegment(float DeltaTime)
	if (!Path.IsValid() || PawnReference == nullptr)

	const FVector currentLocation = MovementComp->GetActorFeetLocation();
	const FVector currentTarget = GetCurrentTargetLocation();

	const FRotator currentRotation = PawnReference->GetActorRotation();
	const FVector currentForward = UKismetMathLibrary::GetForwardVector(currentRotation).GetSafeNormal();
	const FVector currentRight = UKismetMathLibrary::GetRightVector(currentRotation).GetSafeNormal();

	FVector diff = (currentTarget - currentLocation).GetSafeNormal();

	float dotForward = FVector::DotProduct(currentForward, diff);
	float dotRight = FVector::DotProduct(currentRight, diff);

	FVector cur = currentLocation;

	for (auto &i : Path->GetPathPoints())
		UKismetSystemLibrary::DrawDebugArrow(GetWorld(), cur, i.Location, 20.0f, FLinearColor::Green, 0.0f, 20);
		cur = i.Location;


	const int32 LastSegmentStartIndex = Path->GetPathPoints().Num() - 2;

	MovementComp->RequestDirectMove((currentTarget - currentLocation) / DeltaTime, MoveSegmentStartIndex < LastSegmentStartIndex);
	PostProcessMove.ExecuteIfBound(this, diff);

Please help I’ve been stuck for days. The navmesh is already baked.