I’m having a problem with my AI. I’m using timer handles to fill up and deplete a hunger meter for my NPCs. When they enter a building, it pauses the depletion and runs a function to fill it up. When they exit the building, it unpauses and they begin to get hungry again. For the most part, this works fine. For example, if they go “home” and eat, everything works like a dream.
The problem is when I try to get them to go to a "restaurant’ to eat. Same functionality as the ‘home’ as far as the handle behaviors and as the blueprint below. The AI have no trouble finding the restaurant, and they go there, and they enter the building. However, after a couple of ticks, the function aborts and I can’t figure out why.
I’ve tried tracing the problem, but the AI seems to know that they are in the restaurant and that it’s where they are supposed to be. As I mentioned, “entering the building” is successful, and their fullness meters fill up. But since the function aborts, they never get to “exit”. Therefore, their fullness meters stay full. If I force an exit in the abort function (a terrible and non-real fix) then they never get completely full and just keep going back to the restaurant until all the food runs out.
I’d appreciate any help on this. Thanks!
Task - EatOut (this is the one that aborts. It breaks in the tick. The hunger meter will fill to at most 65%, then aborts regardless of whether the branch is true or false)
BT - EatAtRestaurant (the last task in this tree is the one breaking)
Enter Restaurant
Exit Restaurant