AI stops chasing when slightly out of Mesh Area

Hello, I have a game were raptors chase the player like seen in the picture below.

With a simple “AI move to” and “Target: Player”. The raptor chase the player.

The problem arises here. If the character stands slightly out the NavMesh, were the slope starts, the raptors stop chasing the player because it is out of the NavMesh.

The raptor stops, when standing at the start of the slope of the mountain, slightly out of the NavMesh

What would be the best way to solve this? Any help would be appreciated. Thank You

You should use Move to Location or Actor node and set “Accept Partial Path” to Yes.

I tried it but now my raptors chase me while stopping every 1 second and then resuming to chase. Must be doing something wrong

It’s probably because you’re executing the Move to node again and again before they have finished moving. You only have to “tell” them to chase you once if you’re using goal actor.

Sorry for the late response, anyway it doesn’t seem to work but I increased the agent max slope and it helped. Thanks anyway.