AI Starts to Shake when gets to location

Hi, I have an AI, and I use the function AI Move To so the character can move to the location I want, so far no problem, however, when the AI get’s to the location, he starts to tremble, at first, i thought it was because i was doing so in the Tick event, that’s making the character to always move, but i tried on Begin Play, and when it gets to the location starts trembling.

Youtube Video Example

The blueprint i’m using to move the character:

Thanks for reading!

Is it multiplayer?

Does the same happens when you use other nodes such as “Move To Location”?

It’s single player, and yes, with other nodes it happened too.
instead of creating the behaviour of the AI on the Level blueprint, i decided to just create a BehaviourTree, and now the shaking disapeared.

HI there, could you solve it? Have the Same thing…

Same Here… Did anyone solve this?


the Solution is the SmoothingTime in your Animation BlendShape

your welcome :slight_smile:

In case someone has reached this forum because they’re having the same problem, I fixed it by adjusting some properties on the CharacterMovement component on my Character.

So here’s what you need to do:

  • Find the default CharacterMovement component on your Character Blueprint.
  • On the Details panel, find Nav Movement tab.
  • Check Use Acceleration for Paths
  • Check Use Fixed Braking Distance for Paths
  • You can now edit the numerical value for Fixed Path Braking Distance. I have mine at 10.0 meaning my character will start to slow down from max move speed to zero after reaching 10 units of distance from the destination

This solved my jittering issue. Hope it helps and good luck on your video game! :slight_smile: