I changed from just dragging my Ai character into my map to a spawner system that spawns Ai when they reach a number less than or equal to 0. My problem is now my Ai’s blackboard values won’t set such as setting sound location in order to move to that location. I think it has something to do with the Ai Controller but I’m not sure what to do. Here are some pics:
So I have a blueprint actor that spawns the Ai:
Then I have it set to run on a timer in my Gamemode:
My issue is setting the value to vector. It gives me an error saying accesses None
My behavior tree never gets to go to this branch because I never can set the soundLocation variable in blueprint:
I’m pretty sure it has something to do with my AiController but I have no clue what i need to do
If anyone knows why this is happening please let me know. If you need more info just let me know.