AI sight perception in VR (Solved)

The AI sight perception is always looking for the root component of the VRpawn which is at floor level rather than the camera component which is at eye level.

This creates problems when for example the VR pawn is standing behind a small wall but the camera component is clearly visible to the AI. Because the wall is blocking the root component at floor level, the pawn does not get detected.

I’ve tried adding objects to the camera so it gets detected but the AI still always uses the root which is where my feet would be in VR. I’m using blueprints, thanks.

Okay i think i’ve found a solution. I had to create another pawn and attach it to the VR camera and let the AI look for that pawn instead of the VR motion controller pawn, that way the root is always at the camera’s location. Here are the steps I used:

Create a new blueprint and add HMD mesh and a collision sphere, the HMD mesh is just a reference for scale. set the mesh to hidden in game.

Make it a pawn so the AI recognises it

Add the tag you want to use

Add the same tag to your AI controller BP

Spawn the Head BP in the VRpawn’s event graph and attach it to the camera or any of the camera’s child components

Also don’t forget to remove any tags on the VR motion controller pawn so the AI doesn’t try to look for that actor

Do you by any chance have an updated look at this? I’m still having problems with it.