AI Perception SIght Sense sometimes doesnt detect player losing sight

Im using unreal 5.0 and I m facing this weird bug in my AI sight Perception, it doesnt happen every time but sometimes when the Target detected by AI goes out of its lose sight radius, none of the AI Perception events gets called. Usually they do but only sometimes they dont give the call when target goes out of sight and cuz of that it still keep facing the last seen location and keep on shooting. I was unable to figure out the what causing this bug.

Ive tried turning on the OnActorsBeingForgotten from the project settings but it doesnt give the call when the target leaves the sight radius, which keeps the turret facing that direction

Theres also this bug too, if I change the Max Age value from 0.1 to any other value it doesnt follow the target and keep facing the in the direction where it was first sensed. Pls see the video below

When the value is 0.1 it works as expected

Im not sure if this is an actual bug or im doing something wrong.