AI Perception Report Damage Event doesn't work on pawns?

I have implemented a report damage event on my player BP along with sound and sense but the report damage event is not working or running!

What should i do in order to make this work?

On Enemy Base BP:

There are tons of ways you could execute the damage event. As far as I know, the reported damage is intended for an environmental event. In your case, you should use the “Apply Damage” and “Event On Any Damage” function nodes.

These nodes are designed by Epic Games specifically for AI (or any) to apply damage to the player(s) and vice versa. They also work in the server event in case you want to do a multiplayer game. Give this design setup a try and see if it works.

No, I am creating an AI and am building the damage sense for AI

So like

If i press the “H” KEY nothing happens, actually it should create a red sphere trace at my player location

Hi, did you make sure that you’re getting the correct pawn in your first image? Cause it seems like you get something of class ‘BPEnemyBase’, whereas in the gameplay debugger it shows Enenmy instead of Enemy.

oh dont mind that, just actor name on the world, the bp is BP_Enemy_Base for that actor!

Do you have the AI perception component on the controller or on the pawn (its meant to be used on the controller, might not work correctly on the pawn)?

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yep thankyou, was on the pawn! added it to the controller