AI perception how to check if actor is still in line of sight?

as the title said how can i check if the actor detected is still in line of sight i tried using a retrigrable delay set to the max age i thaught that the perception is updated every tick or something like this but it dosent any idea on how to fix it im using it for the behaiviour tree


AI perception how to check if actor is
still in line of sight?

GetActorsPerception → break Info → LastSensedStimuli use index of your sight config → check SuccessfullySensed being true.

i thaught that the perception is
updated every tick or something like

Sight sense gets updated constantly (may update slower if you use it too much), the others are one shot events. Of course OnTargetPerceptionUpdated and OnPerceptionUpdated only execute on updates, so when you get new stimuli or existing stimuli expire (e. g. hearing due to age or sight due to out of sight).

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im using OnTargetPerceptionUpdated

Thats fine.

If you want to know whether a certain Actor is currently perceived by the sight sense, you can use this

Also for sight sense OnTargetPerceptionUpdated will execute everytime it starts seeing something and everytime it stops seeing something.


can you elaborate more?
im using OnTargetPerceptionUpdated what should i use instead?
im still learning
and thank you for your time