Hi, I just started working on AI Perception component. I have a base character blueprint which is the parent of all units from player team. At Event begin play, I’m making it register perception stimuli source.
I added an AI Perception component in my enemy character parent class. In one of the child enemy classes, I’ve set sight sense with sight radius of 150 and lose sight radius of 200 with peripheral vision angle of 180 deg. On perception updated event, I’m checking if it’s the player character and then printing a string if it is.
But as soon as the enemy is spawned in the level, it starts printing the string, even though I’m outside the sight range assuming the sight range is in normal unreal units. However the peripheral vision angle and collision meshes in between prevent the enemy character from detecting the player character. So if it’s not a bug, could someone tell me how to fix the sight detection issue.