AI optimization

Your CPU is okay,
the draw is very HUGE imo,
seems like you have too many transparent objects on the scene.

You can check it by hitting F5 while in PIE

Your Zombies has some transparency ?
Shader complexity shows a lot of pixel overdraws at the right half of the screen where the Zombies are (Note the White color - it is very bad )

You will want to reduces transparent/translucient objects to a minimum while working with VR.

You probably shall start from reading this post

Can you post zombie’s material ?

Well, I don’t have any VR experience to help you with this.
Anyway your problem is not an AI itself, but the GPU you should look for optimizing your GPU draw calls.

Not sure though why your material has so much instructions :-?

Hard to say, but it looks so.
Look at the shader complexity
so much instructions - try to use another material - something with just a flat green color (just for the test) and see if it helps

you open your profiler and load that file to see what was going on

I’ll take a screenshot too

in editor is kinda hard to see anything because the pawn won’t move without the vr headset. here is f5 from vrpreview

this is at the zombies feet because the headset starts on the ground from pie and I can’t move the headset while in editor

I have none that I’m aware of. It’s all low poly and flat textures. no shadows either

They should all look like this. I’m using assets from synty studios

are you sure it’s the zombie?

I’ll do that. Check it out though. I made an empty level with 60 ai spawners and a nnav mesh and a plane. Massive dips.

Don’t show me the values form the editor - try to make them in a standalone game - in editor you can not know what is the bottle neck.

In the graph you showed it is till the GPU Issue but not in Draw calls right now.

I suggest you to ask a new question here in answer hub.

With your profiler results.

my zombie ai does a random int before it spawns to pick a a mesh from an array. I doubt it’s loading all meshes for each zombie because they’d show up. When I’m placing the actor on the map you can see it cycling the meshes till i place it and then it stays with the placed mesh. I had these issues before I added that feature, which was today btw.

I feel like it’s not the material

each character has around only 312 triangles too so that’s not it