AI not moving to Positive Y Values

Did not get a chance to test before in 4.14 but I was having with using AI Moveto and wanted a more simple method of moving AI to a target or location using Simple Move To X.But now the AI will not move into Positive Y values…

Here is a video of the problem with some code showing as well, ill post pictures of the blueprints as well after i clean them up a bit… Sorry i left music in the background. 2017 02 17 00 31 46 - YouTube

Don’t post here much i hope i gave y’all everything y’all need to help…

I should note that the errors are from old implementation of the previous AI i just did not remove. They do not interact with the little ball ■■■■■■■ at all. I was just too lazy to try and quickly prototype this to completely remove them.

Knowing a little bit about how AI movement is implemented, and having watched the video, my guess would be that your navmesh is not covering enough of the level. Expand your NavmeshBoundsVolume.

And a pro tip: don’t use SimpleMoveTo for AI, use other AI move requesting methods that will give you a lot more options to configure the behavior.



Unfortunately the NavMesh Bounds is already covering the entire platform. It looks like I needed to rebuild navigation. Only the negative was “lit up” when checking in editor… That is strange because I was having other AI’s navigate that area just fine.

I will try to use AI Move To and post to make sure nothing else is wonky…
Why specifically is Simple bad? For what i’m trying to do I suspected it to be the simplest method.

Thanks again… Note to self always check navmesh after update