I have a moving walkable surface [static mesh], and there is AI characters ontop of it that are told to walk from one path node to another ontop of this surface. I press play and it works fine they can walk from one point to another and don’t stop through the playthrough.
But after stopping the simulation I press play again and this time, for what seems like no reason at all the characters never move from one point to another. Sometimes they rotate a little bit and move towards their path node a little bit but stop at the same time.
Sometimes the character that is closer to the player(and the center of the world moves towards its path node and stops very quickly while the other is unresponsive and I have clicked the play and escape button like 100 times now.
Ok now I’ve noticed that even the AI character on the static surface doesn’t move sometimes.
These are my settings for runtime nav meshs.
This is a picture of the set up I have.
The grey surface is the static surface.
And this is a picture of the movable surface code I have.