AI nav agents end up moving in single file

I have a game with some procedural elements in it, which obviously benefits from NavMesh, problem is that when the AIs are spawned and move around a corner they end up in a single line that is easy for the player to pick off.

How it started:

How it’s going:

The agents have RVO enabled, and they’re in the correct groups, I’d expect that to have some effect on this but it’s always a single line.

Am I going to have to write my own system to improve this (local navigation avoidance, etc.) or is there something built in that helps for this?

Note: the splines in the screen shots have nothing to do with the nav, it’s for the PCG.

Have you tried using crowd controller instead of RVO?

I wondered what that did, my early tests are giving me much more pleasant results, thanks!

I’m going to do more tests and likely mark yours as the solution.

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