Ai MoveToLocation works only in BP

Try UNavigationSystem::SimpleMoveToLocation

Example as follows:

FVector targetLocation = Nexus->GetActorLocation();
UNavigationSystem::SimpleMoveToLocation(Controller, targetLocation);

This works for me in my project, as I have dozens of pawns move around the map.

I forgot to call Super::BeginPlay(), after that everything worked.


I need to move the bot to the some place.

I create a controller from AAIController, in its BeginPlay I write, move to the main character:

ATPSCharacter* player = (ATPSCharacter*)UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerCharacter(GetWorld(), 0);
FVector vec = player->GetActorLocation();


I create in editor BP from Pawn/Character and assign the new Ai controller.
I launch, the bot doesn’t move, what could be the problem?

If I do the same thing with BP, everything works, NavMesh on the map.

all code

