Using UE 4.8.2
So I have a very simple tree. If you are in the ‘Wonder State’ then perform these tasks. Currently that’s the only state I have, it doesn’t change.
The Aggro Check sets a target location, which is valid and works on every other ‘MoveTo’ I have it working with before I started switched to using States.
Here is the behavior tree
When it gets to the Move To, it completely skips it and moves to the wait. The exact same thing happens on a Sequence and Selector. No difference there. The home location is the starting location, which in this case is also the location the actor is currently at.
I have tried setting the target location to the players location, it still does the same thing no matter how close I get.
Am I missing something? I removed all structures around the AI to ensure that wasn’t the issue. Navigation is working, I have other AI using a completely different tree and they are moving around just fine.
This is the version for moving in my other behavior trees that are actually working… Not much difference