AI movement but no animations activate!?


I’m pretty new to UE so I haven’t learned much of the terminology, but some basic stuff. I’ve set up a character with anim bp with a 2D blend space. Now I want to control the character with the “AI Move To” node. I have managed to get the character moving with the node. The problem I’m having though is, the animations wont activate. I just see the character slide to different points, but the animation only activates if I press any of the keys “W, A, S and D”. Is there an obvious step I’ve missed? If I dont use the AI node everything works fine when controlling the character with the keyboard.

Appreciate all the help I can get, Thanks!


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Hi, sounds like something is wrong with your anim bp. Can you show where you use the blend space, and where you set the values that you input into the blend space (speed + direction)?

Hi, thanks for your reply!

I edited the post and uploaded some screenshots, thanks for your help.

Thank you for your help friend, it works now.

In your Anim_BP_Wolf you’re using GetPlayerCharacter and therefore use the speed/direction from the player character. But what need is the pawn that this animation blueprint belongs to. So you need to use TryGetPawnOwner instead.