Ai Move to Stopping when Character is in Air

Hey I am making a Simple AI Petsystem and I have set up locations around my character using components and I have my Ai moving to the World space of those components using the AI Move to Task in the Behavior Tree, When ever my Player Character Jumps, The Ai will stop for a sec and then when he is coming down the AI starts to follow again. anyone understand how to fix this issue? I have my Nav Mesh stretched Higher than the Jumping location. any qustions or screens just ask.

How are you finding the player? Is it a simple getplayercharacter and key set? Can you show us the BT?

I’m not Finding the Player I am Finding the World Location of the Component that I attached to the Player than setting location depending on the enum state through a function and than updating the blackboard value and having the AI move to the “follow Location” The problem is when I jump, the AI will pause for a sec and then move to the player after I start falling. here is a screen shot

When you jump, what happens in the tree? Which nodes are executed?

It Flickers Between all of the nodes under my Chase Player Tree once I am in the Air

As of this comment I believe I have found a better way to do it,
Instead of getting the world location of my components I am going to attach an invisible actor to the sockets on my components and set the AI move to node to move to those actors for whatever reason once it is set to get actor location it doesnt do this problem.

I am still curious as to why this happens, it doesnt make too much sense to me.
I believe there might be some kind of inaccuracy to the get world location once I am in the air or something similar to that, I am going to do some testing and see if I link up some print strings and see if it just stops getting world location once in the air or maybe it is an issue with the nav mesh updating or being incompatiable with the Z vector on get world location, or simply because I am using the Basic Move to task and not making my own. either way after doing some test I will comment back here with an update, but I still think socketing actors to my componenets and having the AI move to those might be the best solution If you have any advice I’m open for it. thanks for the time cleric

I’m going to mark this method as a lost cause and mark my question as answered I found a better way to do this by attaching a Blank actor to the socket of my components and have my AI Move to the Blank Actor which will have the accurate location since it will be socketed to the Component thank you for the help the same task with much better results

This issue has been solved @Myllz. While looking into fixing this same issue that I am encountering, I found the solution from 2016 by Sean L, here is the link to the post: link text.

It wasn’t marked as solved, but I can verify that it works in 4.26 following Sean L’s instructions.
I’m including his solution for convenience:

I’ve found the solution. You’ll need to go into Project Settings->Navigation System and then add a new Supported Agent by clicking the + symbol next to the Supported Agents option.

After you do this, expand the 0 dropdown, and then adjust the DefaultQueryExtent in the Z axis. I used 5000. After you do this, it should work.

It was most likely an issue with the character jumping over the bounds of the Nav Mesh.

Hope it is still applicable!


This works. Thank you.

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2023 and still applicable. thank you thank you thank you everyone involved in this thread.

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Thank you


Life Saver. This should honestly be a default setting. Works as of Jan 2025

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When setting the position in the follow function, try calling “get last update position” I believe it’s from the character movement component or player controller

Thank you!!! 2025 in ue5.5.1 it still works!!