I’m trying to make my character pathfinding navigate around any obstructions to reach a specific point on an actor (Arrow component), and then inherit the rotation of the Arrow upon reaching the destination.
My Problem: My character will move to the actor’s location, but if the character approaches the actor (table) from the back or sides, my character won’t find a path around the table to reach the desired location (Arrow). I’m using the Arrow component (pictured below) with the intent that it act as a waypoint from which I can send location and rotation data to the characters “AI Move To” command, however the character will move until reaching the actor (table) and then snap to inherit the Arrow’s rotation before stopping all movement (demonstrated in the attached gif).
I’ve attached some images of my current setup, and also included a link to an imgur album in case any of the images didn’t attach correctly: [http://imgur.com/a/mrojY][1]
I think I’ve found a solution to this problem that appears to work - Thanks for getting me thinking about the right part of the problem.
Even with a low Acceptance Radius, the character was still stopping when it reached the structure regardless of what side the character approached from. What I decided to do instead was return the structures Arrow component and get the arrow’s world transform. With that, I then apply it to a new Actor class I’ve named AIMoveToWaypoint. This Actor inherits the exact location and rotation of the Arrow component and because it has no collision, it allows the AI character to stand directly on top of it. I then run the AIMoveTo command to that AIMoveToWaypoint Actor class, instead of the structure itself.
There is still the issue of getting the actor to Rotate and play animations with the turn. At the moment I’m using an RInterp To on a looping timer, but it’s choppy and the character doesn’t appear to animate.