Ai move to, simple move to , move to ,all fails

All the move to nodes fails, I have a navmesh bound volume correctly settled and placed.

The monster won’t move, it is setted to auto possess ai placed in world or spawned.
The monsters are placed in world.

The move nodes are called in a server rpc event. Everything else is correctly replicated but not the move to.

If it can help, monsters have two sphere collisions components setted to nav_default. And can’t affect navigation but it don’t change anything.

I feel having tried everything, totally desperate.

Need help.

After research it seems the Aicontroller scripts are not executed at all.

now i simply use Behavior trees callins the move to tasks, but the problem still persists : the custom aicontroller script supposed to run the behavior tree are not executed at all!

When i print something at begin play of the Custom ai controller , nothing is printed.

Help …

Hello! You can check this steps

  • open/create Behavior Tree asset and add all task or servrice nodes that you need
  • open/create AI Controller blueprint and add node Run Behaviour Tree, select asset from prev point (for example, in Begin Play body)
  • open/create Pawn blueprint and set set value for AI Controller Class prop with the one from prev point

Hi , i appreciate your help , that’s exactly what i do now , i spawn manually the ai controller and make it possess the pawn server side , and now the BT is executed.

The new problem now is the move to nodes succeed when Run under one process , and fails with separate server.

this is exactly the same script and the same bt , but not working without Run under one process.