AI Move to Player

How can I do something similar to AI Move To but in c++ with the target being the PlayerCharacter. Or where can I find some tutorial on this Ive searched in Unreal Engine C++ API Reference and found this, AAIController::MoveToActor | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation | Epic Developer Community but I dont really understand how to implement it.

AIMoveTo is implemented in C++

You can check the code yourself in …Source\Runtime\AIModule\Private\Blueprint\AIBlueprintHelperLibrary.cpp
Look for UAIBlueprintHelperLibrary::CreateMoveToProxyObject(...)

In essence It creates a FAIMoveRequest and sends it to AAIController::MoveTo() in …Source\Runtime\AIModule\Private\AIController.cpp, which is not present on the player controller.

I suspect that recreating the AAIController::MoveTo() in the player controller will be quite an endeavor.