I tried to make my AI move to the object, and then interact with it, but when using “AI move to”, “Simple move to actor” or “Simple move to location” - it only moves when at least three sides (beside up\down) are free. For example, here it say it can reach the golden block, and moves.
But here it says that he can’t, and fails.
What am i doing wrong?
Let me explain. I set my BT to move to the block, when decorator succeds. And it does, until i place aniother block near.
Do you have a nav mesh? And how are you setting up your AI? I’m not sure but it sounds like you aren’t using the behavior trees that Epic provides. Granted they aren’t right for all situations but you should take a look at this: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/AI/BehaviorTrees/QuickStart/
The first thing that comes to mind is you are likely using the center of the block with not enough acceptance radius.
The radius is 250, and block is about 150.